Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Agree with "new" Gov-care bill?

Sec. 113, Pg. 21-22 of the Health Care (HC) Bill MANDATES a government audit of the books of ALL EMPLOYERS that self-insure in order to “ensure that the law does not provide incentives for small and mid-size employers to self-insure”!

• Sec. 122, Pg. 29, Lines 4-16 - YOUR HEALTH CARE WILL BE RATIONED!

• Sec. 123, Pg. 30 - THERE WILL BE A GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE deciding what treatments and benefits you get.

• Sec. 142, Pg. 42 - The Health Choices Commissioner will choose your benefits for you. You have no choice!

• Sec. 152, Pg. 50-51 - HC will be provided to ALL NON-US citizens.

• Sec. 163, Pg. 58-59 beginning at line 5 - Government will have real-time access to individual’s finances %26amp; a National ID health care card will be issued!

• Sec. 163, Pg. 59, Lines 21-24 - Government will have direct access to your bank accounts for electronic funds transfer.

• Sec. 164, Pg. 65 is a payoff subsidized plan for retirees and their families in unions %26amp; community organizations (ACORN).

• Sec. 201, Pg. 72, Lines 8-14 - Government is creating an HC Exchange to bring private plans under government control.

2 Liberty Counsel 800-671-1776 www.LC.org

• Sec. 203, Pg. 84 - Government mandates ALL benefit packages for private Health Care plans in the exchange.

• Sec. 203, Pg. 85, Line 7 - Specifications of benefit levels for plans means that the government will define your HC plan and has the ability to ration your health care!

• Sec. 205, Pg. 95, Lines 8-18 - The government will use groups (i.e., ACORN %26amp; AmeriCorps) to “inform and educate” (sign up) individuals for government plan.

• Sec. 205, Pg. 102, Lines 12-18 - Medicaid-eligible individuals will be automatically enrolled in Medicaid. No freedom to choose.

• Sec. 223, Pg. 124, Lines 24-25 - No company can sue the government for price-fixing. No “administrative of judicial review” against a government monopoly.

• Sec. 225, Pg. 127, Lines 1-16 - Doctors – the government will tell YOU what you can make. “The Secretary shall provide for the annual participation of physicians under the public health insurance option, for which payment may be made for services furnished during the year.”

• Sec. 312, Pg. 145, Lines 15-17 - Employers MUST auto-enroll employees into public option plan.

• Sec. 313, Pg. 149, Lines 16-23 - ANY employer with payroll $400,000 and above who does not provide public option pays 8% tax on all payroll.

• Sec. 313, Pg. 150, Lines 9-13 - Businesses with payroll between $251,000 and $400,000 who do not provide public option pay 2-6% tax on all payroll.

• Sec. 401.59B, Pg. 167, Lines 18-23 - ANY individual who does not have acceptable care, according to government, will be taxed 2.5% of income.

• Sec. 59B, Pg. 170, Line 1 - Any NONRESIDENT alien is exempt from individual taxes. (Americans will pay for their health care.)

• Sec. 431, Pg. 195, Lines 1-3 - Officers and employees of HC Administration (government) will have access to ALL Americans’ financial and personal records.

• Sec. 441, Pg. 203, Lines 14-15 - “The tax imposed under this section shall not be treated as tax.” Yes, it says that.

3 Liberty Counsel 800-671-1776 www.LC.org

• Sec. 1121, Pg. 239, Lines 14-24 - The government will limit and reduce physician services for Medicaid. Seniors, low income and poor are the ones affected.

• Sec. 1121, Pg. 241, Lines 6-8 - Doctors, it does not matter what specialty you have; you’ll all be paid the same. “Service categories established under this paragraph shall apply without regard to the specialty of the physician furnishing the service.”

• Sec. 1122, Pg. 253, Lines 10-23 - The government “validates work relative value units” (sets value of doctor’s time), professional judgment, methods etc. (defining the value of humans).

• Sec. 1131, Pg. 265 - Government mandates and controls productivity for private HC industries. “Incorporating Productivity Improvements into Market Basket Updates that Do Not Already Incorporate Such Improvements.”

• Sec. 1141, Pg. 268 - The government regulates rental and purchase of power-driven wheelchairs.

• Sec. 1145, Pg. 272 - Treatment of certain cancer hospitals: Cancer patients and their treatment are open to rationing!

• Sec. 1151, Pg. 280 - The government will penalize hospitals for what government deems preventable readmissions (incentives for hospital to not treat and release).

• Sec. 1151, Pg. 298, Lines 9-11 - Doctors, treat a patient during initial admission that results in a readmission and the government will penalize you for that action.

• Sec. 1156, Pg. 317, Lines 13-20 - “PROHIBITION on physician ownership or Investment.” Government tells doctors what/how much they can own.

• Sec. 1156, Pg. 317-318, Lines 21-25, 1-3 - “PROHIBITION on Expansion of Facility Capacity.” The government will mandate that hospitals cannot expand (“number of operating rooms or beds”).

• Sec. 1156, Pg. 321, Lines 2-13 - H|||It's the same bill as the old one.|||Hey, Baffle Brain! This Yahoo forum is for the benefit of 68th Armor troops. It's not the place for your rants! Your abuse has been reported!|||This entire fiasco is unconstitutional. I dare everyone to tell me where "health care" is mentioned in the Constitution of the United States as an area over which the federal government can impose its communist, socialist, fascist will. "General welfare" clause? What can the federal government NOT do in your little utopia?

There is no authority for the federal government to force me to pay for health care for fat people, drunks, junkies, smokers, tramps, baby factories or the bastards they pop out. In fact, this is a form of slavery in that I am enslaved to the "lifestyle choice" of someone over whom I have no control.|||Of course not. Why does the government always think we need something to be fixed without asking their bosses (you and me) if we want it fixed? I believe this is a political ploy from top to bottom. "let's get the illegals taken care of and they'll be even more Dems than before".|||I KNOW, I AM ON PAGE 1,006 AND I AM ABOUT TO VOMIT.


The word REQUIRE OR REQUIRED is in it: 422 times



IMPOSE 106 "





All the stuff we showed up at townhalls and tea parties to oppose, are right back in the bill. THIS IS THE BIGGEST GOVT POWER GRAB AND KILLER OF FREEDOMS AND RIGHTS AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, EVER WITNESSED SINCE THE REVOLUTION.



JOIN US, PLEASE. John Voight and others will meet you at the steps. BRING A SIGN IF YOU SO CHOOSE.


WE ARE TAKING AMERICA BACK. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.|||yes that sounds fair and reasonable, what is your objection?

Help getting an aquarium established?

I'm starting off on the great adventure of having a fish aquarium. And I definitely need help.

I have an old 10-gallon aquarium. Once I clean it out and replace the substrate, I plan on starting a fishless cycle to make my water safe for fish (no ammonia, no nitrites, low nitrates). I will be having tropical fish, so I will keep the aquarium at about 78掳F-80掳F. I will be using those glass beads as substrate because I do not want the Java Moss I'm planning on putting in to attach to the substrate. Instead, I want it to attach to some driftwood or some such unit that is easier to maintain. Our tap water comes from wells, and the water softener that it runs through adds non-iodized salt to the water (which starts at about 15 grains hard) at slightly less than 1 teaspoon every two gallons. So I shouldn't have to worry about Chlorine or Chloramine, and the water conditions should be excellent.

Once my water has cycled, I plan on adding one Siamese Fighting Fish (Betta), and two Glass Catfish to start. Maybe more compatible fish later on, though not exceeding 1 inch of fish for every gallon of water in the tank.

So if there's anything wrong with that plan, will somebody please point it out to me?

A few questions now:

-What is a suitable heating unit to keep in the tank? It would be nice if the heat output could be controlled, as the temperatures here fluctuate pretty regularly.

-What is a good filter to put into the tank? I'm on a budget, so less expensive is better. Also, from what I understand, a sponge filter is preferable, as it really helps establish and maintain a good bio-filtration system because it provides a good place for the bacteria to live.

-What kind of airflow do I need to worry about for oxygen purposes? Will a filter take care of that for me?

-What device or kit can I buy that will test the Ammonia, Nitrite, and Nitrate levels (and maybe pH) of the water? I would prefer one that does not rely on disposable chemicals, because I want to keep very careful track of my water conditions. So an electronic one with theoretically infinite uses would be best. Although, again, I'm on a fairly strict budget.

I think that's all. Congratulations if you made it all the way through reading that. Best answer will get 10 points, I wish I could award more.|||One inch of fish per gallon, is not correct.

What I do when finding and setting up tanks, is find the amount of space each fish needs and then basically add it together.

Or go on aqadvisor, they have a fish calculator which calculates how many fish, and what tank size you need.

If you get a sponge filter, you don't need a second air output.

Sponge filters are cheap, and easily cleaned and maintained.

All you do is hook it up to an airpump, air runs through, and out creating bubbles from a tube in the top.

It doesn't pull in too much gunk though, but it is good for maintaining good bacteria.

You can also make your own filter, just look it up on youtube, all you need is a few things, and a air pump.

API test kits are good, but it is up to you.

Most heaters will have a changable heat temp, just place it near your filter and it should get good even heat throughout the tank.

Good luck!|||Here is a link for a test kit that will do all of those, use will be about 130 tests, $6.27 but the only way to get an infinite # of tests is the electronic which cost alot more about $60 to $80 each test.Any heater should maintain it's set temperature a submersible one will ensure water level does not make it fluctuate. Sponge filter is best and should cost about $6-$10 it will also pump oxygen into the tank for your catfish, betta breathes from the surface so this the air is not needed for him. Bettas prefer placid water so I recommend an air valve diffuser on your air pump hose which will be connected to your sponge filter to slow down air flow and water movement. I always recommend Tetra BlackWater Extract for Betta's it will be fine for your catfish too who also like brackish water which this will simulate, you can buy it on line by Tetra or Kent. Hope this helps Good Luck with your tank =)|||probly a typical 50W heater would do it (if the temp in your house can go down to as low as 50 i would advise a 75W instead), ones made nowadays have a temp control integrated in them

all filters save the same exact purpose, sponge filters are about as efficient as hob

in a tank that small the filter will take the care of the oxidation

glass catfish needs a minimum of 30 gallons

here's a list of what can go into 10 gals (not too many species):

http://theaquariumwiki.com/Stocking_a_10鈥?/a>|||Okay, first of all, you CAN NOT put a betta with ANY other fish. (note the name "fighting fish") it will kill anything you put with it. Next, you have to have somethingliving in the tank to start the cycle. If i were you, i would get a fist fish that i wouldn't mind not to keep, i recomend any type of feeder fish your local store carries. After about a week with the feeders, you can add your catfish and something besides a betta. I recomend cardinal or neon tetras or danios. Remember to be patient in adding and picking fish, and read any info about the fish you want to buy on the tag with it's description. I don't think you'll have much water trouble, but you should get some water conditioner anyways. As for heating, a small 20 dollar unit should do fine, and it's easy to find an adjustable one. Bio filtration is really good, but as you're on a budget and have a small tank, a simple Topfin or Whisper filter with adjustable suction force (set pretty low) and a carbon filter cartrage would probably be best. A filter with an above water output airates water extra well, and even without that it'll be fine, but you could leave the lid propped open just barely if it would make you feel better. As for the chemical testing, most pet stores carry all-in-one kits. They are simple little strips with color matching charts on the bottle or box. I use Jungle ones, and they work well, just note that any test strip will be skewed if you are treating your tank for an illness (meds mess up tests). I don't think java ferns will attach to driftwood very well, so i dont recomend it. Marbles could be an okay substrate, but course gravel is better. Gravel is actually pretty low maintanence, all you need is a siphon-vac. Just dodge plants when you clean the tank and your good. Marbles you have to dump out every once in a while to clean. Sorry for the long answer, but I hope it helps.|||Filter: Simple outside filter. Clean regularly, but only rinse the charcoal in cold water and use for a couple times. Do not clean the housing of the filter.

Substrate: You can use the glass beads or you can use very fine white silica sand. This keeps the dirt from getting caught underneath the substrate. Siphon about 15% of the water off the bottom each week or two. Chlorine drops for new water.

Heater: Just one that is suited for the size tank you have.

Fish: Bettas can get a little boring, even though they are pretty. Only one male. Or get: Angel Fish, Silver Dollar, Tetra fish. These are easy to keep and interesting.

Water: You might see if someone you know has a tank and you can take some of their water to help it start out. Set up as directed in books or by your local pet store. Have some of your tap water checked for sodium content by your local pet supply store. No all fish like sodium in their water. Perhaps you can use some spring water if the store says this is O.K.

By the way, Bettas don't kill any other fish and are actually rather placid. They will kill each other and it is inhumane to keep them in a tank with more than one male Betta, together. They are very slow swimmers and prefer smaller spaces. Then can tend to look a bit lost in most tanks and may even take to sitting in the bottom. You might begin to say, "Poor little fish, are you O.K.?" A larger fish bowl or extremely quiet tank is preferable for Bettas.

Linear inequalities..Help !!?

An electronic firm to produces two model of sound card.A and B. These sound cards are subject to three quality control testing ,P Q R.The following table shows the time required to perform the quality control to each testing device.

Testing device ..................time required(minutes)

......................model A.....andmodal B




The available operation time per day devices P Q are 6 hours,5 hours,and 5.5 hours respectively.

The firm produces x units of model A sound card and y units of model B sound card per day.

a) write 5 inequalities which describe the constraints the operation time these testing device.

b) contruct and shade the region feasible solution of x and y.

c) The profit on a model A sound card is 20dollar and the profit on a model B sound card is 50 dollar.

Based on the given information.if the firm wishes to maximize the profit.

1.state the objective function.

2. based on the result obtained in (b).find the maximise total profit made by the firm per day.|||maximize p = 20x + 50y subject to:






Optimal Solution: p = 50; x = 0, y = 1

Linear inequalities..Help !!?

An electronic firm to produces two model of sound card.A and B. These sound cards are subject to three quality control testing ,P Q R.The following table shows the time required to perform the quality control to each testing device.

Testing device ..................time required(minutes)

................................model A.and modal B

P....................................4 and 4


R...................................3 and 5

The available operation time per day devices P Q are 6 hours,5 hours,and 5.5 hours respectively.

The firm produces x units of model A sound card and y units of model B sound card per day.

a) write 5 inequalities which describe the constraints the operation time these testing device.

b) contruct and shade the region feasible solution of x and y.

c) The profit on a model A sound card is 20dollar and the profit on a model B sound card is 50 dollar.

Based on the given information.if the firm wishes to maximize the profit.

1.state the objective function.

2. based on the result obtained in (b).find the maximise total profit made by the firm per day.|||quantitative techniques in business right? try posting that on other category

Please help..can any one solve these blanks for me..its urgent please please....?

1. The processing unit responsible for mathematical computation is called __________.

2. A kilobyte is equal to __________ bytes.

3. The electronic technology used in second generation computer system was __________.

4. A __________ translates program language instructions one at a time.

5. Output on the screen is called __________ whereas output by the printer on paper is called __________.

6. IBM stands for __________.

7. In BASIC, function key F4 is used for __________.

8. Machine language is a __________ level language.

9. GOTO statement is known as __________ statement.

10. __________ is a set of well-defined instructions.

11. The diagrammatic representation of logic is called __________.

12. A computer output taken on paper is called the __________ copy.

13. Monitors and printers are __________ devices.

14. Mathematical calculation is carried out by __________ of C.P.U.

15. The use of _________ was a marked feature of the generation of computers.

16. __________ command branches unconditionally to a specified line number.

17. Vacuum tubes were used in the __________ generation of computers.

18. Charles Babbage invented __________.

19. __________ statement in DOS is used to delete a file from the disk.

20. The volatile part of internal memory is called __________.

21. __________ is the set of instructions that tells the computers what to do.

22. A kilobyte is equal to __________ bytes.

23. Each statement or command is preceded by a line number in the __________ mode.

24. The keyboard and the mouse are __________ devices.

25. A diagram to plan a program is called __________.

26. Data processing consists of three basic steps __________, __________ and __________.

27. __________ memory is that type of memory which does not lose the information stored when the power is turned off.

28. Every BASIC statement consists of a __________, keyword and the parameter.

29. __________ statement is used to transmit numeric or string output data from the computer and displays it on the screen.

30. We use __________ to convert the digital data into analog data.

31. The introduction of __________ brought the computer age into the third generation.

32. In computer terms 64k means __________ bytes or characters.

33. A software developed for specific purpose is called an __________ software.

34. Data processing devices are __________, __________, and __________.

35. In first generation __________ symbolic languages were used.

36. Disk oriented computers were introduced in __________ generation.

37. A micro second is equivalent to 1/__________.

38. PC stands for __________.

39. The term VLSI is used for __________.

40. Humanware is an alternative word for __________.

41. A firmware is necessary to __________ the computer.

42. __________ computers have both analog and digital methods of processing information.

43. The introduction of __________ brought the computer age into fourth generation.

44. The physical units making up a computer system are known as computer __________.

45. Charless Babbage is called the father of __________.

46. EDP stands for __________.

47. A __________ data processing system consists of various input and output devices connected with an electronic computer.

48. A microprocessor chip consists of three basic parts __________, __________ and __________.

49. A blinking point on the CRT, whose position can be controlled by the operator of the computer, is known as __________.

50. The very small bulbs on the keyboard or CPU are called __________.

51. In BASIC function key F2 is used to __________.

52. ASCII stands for __________.

53. A __________ is used to play games.

54. __________ and __________ are the latest input devices.

55. CRT stands for __________.

56. SVGA stands for __________.

57. __________ and __________ are impact printers.

58. __________ and __________ are non-impact printers.

59. A small spot of light displayed on the screen is called __________.

60. The devices through which we enter data into the computer are known as __________ devices.

61. A blinking cell on the display screen is known as __________.

62. __________ and __________ are the only figures used in binary number system.

63. DOS is an acronym for __________.

64. __________ data represents only numbers.

65. There are three types of languages translators: __________, __________ and __________.

66. A keyboard has a number of keys, but usually it has __________ keys.

67. Types of data are __________, __________ and __________.

68. Types of numeric data are __________ and __________.

69. Types of numerical real data are __________ and __________.

70. Machine language programs are usually written in __________ number system.

71. A program translated by the compiler is called __________.

72. Destructive programs are classifi|||Thanks for the laugh. That's the most homework problems I've ever seen anyone ask in a single question.|||I love how Yahoo cut you off at half your #72. I will help you solve the second question. "1024"|||r u serious ????

Why my 1998 windstar van instrument's "service engine soon" light always on and how to turn it off?

I made a wrong measurement that I measuring door lock source line right before the motor unit. I measured its voltage,connecting one line to positive the other line to negtive, than heard a currents shortcut noise.then I immidiately stop connecting. then I start engine check it to see is there anything wrong.Since that time the "service enging soon" is always on when turn on that enging..Till now it has 6 months. nothing happen execpt that light.

Once a time I drove to auto company to check it. He use an instrument probably is ''OBD II " to scan it . he said maybe it is caused by oil tank's vapor or gas tank cap was't locked properly. We checked cap it was locked properly.But I am very sure it cause by my wrong measurement.

Is the generic electronic module same part as powertrain control module? If they are two different parts.Where are their locations...|||If you goto Advance Auto Parts or similar, they can check the code that turned the light on and turn the light off at your request.

Does my resume look good?

David Burton

*** ******* **** *********** ** *****

(***) ***-**** My Email Address


To gain a dynamic and challenging role in the area of electronics, electrical, electro-mechanical, and communication engineering that will offer me the best opportunity for further development of my abilities, skills and knowledge in an established firm with long term career growth possibilities.

Summary of Qualifications

鈥?Superior knowledge of and expert-level hands on skills in electronic circuit design in both computer-aided simulation, real physical components implementation, and modern wireless communications

鈥?Above average skills in modern digital communications systems, including digital signal processing, formatting, and modulation.

鈥?Basic knowledge and entry-level hands-on skills in Linux, and communications cabling

鈥?Ability to analyze analog and transform circuits, utilizing such techniques as differential equations, transfer functions, and computer-aided circuit simulation programs.

Relevant Experience

Encompass Service Solutions Lawrenceville, Georgia

Electro-Mechanical Technician 2010

鈥?Test performance of electromechanical assemblies, using test instruments such as oscilloscopes, electronic voltmeters, and bridges.

鈥?Read blueprints, schematics, diagrams, and technical orders to determine methods and sequences of assembly.

鈥?Install electrical and electronic parts and hardware in housings or assemblies, using soldering equipment and hand tools.

鈥?Align, fit, and assemble component parts, using hand tools, power tools, fixtures, templates, and microscopes.

鈥?Analyze and record test results, and prepare written testing documentation. Inspect parts for surface defects.

鈥?Verify dimensions and clearances of parts to ensure conformance to specifications, using precision measuring instruments.

鈥?Repair and test GPS units: Garmin, Magellan, Mio, Motorola, Navigon, Nextar, Panasonic, Pioneer, Samsung, Sony, TeleType, and Tomtom.

Fix your pc鈥檚 Fayetteville, Georgia

Senior Technician 2010

鈥?Working knowledge of TCP / IP internetworking / WAN data communications.

鈥?Demonstrated ability to learn new techniques, perform multiple tasks simultaneously, keep accurate records, follow instructions, and comply with company policies.

鈥?Managed ten Junior Technicians, Proven ability to work independently and as part of a team, self-motivation, adaptability, and a positive attitude.

David Burton Page 2

Dixieland Funpark Fayetteville, Georgia

Arcade Technician 2010

鈥?Solder and re-wire games and televisions.

鈥?Conduct tests to determine whether equipment, software, or procedures are operating as expected.

鈥?Perform routine maintenance and diagnose equipment malfunction to determine when and what kind of maintenance is needed.

鈥?Install, move, and modify arcade games and related equipment.

鈥?Maintain and report accurate records of hours and materials used.

U.S. Army Peachtree City, Georgia

Computer Detection System Technician 2008

鈥?Assisted in maintaining computer systems; installs and supports software/hardware applications and peripheral equipment.

鈥?Troubleshoot and resolved computer operating, software/hardware problems and provide technical support as requested.

鈥?Provided information to staff and users, and prepare and maintain documentation for processes, policies and procedures related to computer systems and operations.

鈥?Repaired staff and users computers and software/hardware.

Dunkin Donuts Fayetteville, Georgia

Shift Manager 2007-2008

鈥?Responsible for the business performance for Dunkin Donuts.

鈥?Prepared reports at the end of the shift, including staff control, food control and sales.

鈥?Managed staff and providing them with feedback.

鈥?Maintained high standards of quality control, hygiene and safety

Crown Security Fayetteville, Georgia

Security Installation Technician 2005-2007

鈥?Installed security systems, home theaters, data lines, phone lines, and ran cables for multiple level houses.

鈥?Repaired cable system, defective lines, and auxiliary equipment.

鈥?Feed/pull lines through ducts by hand or use of winch.

鈥?Cleaned and maintained tools and test equipment.

Known computer programming skills

鈥?Known Office Package: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Outlook Express

鈥?Known Operating Systems: Windows9X, Windows2000, Windows ME, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Linux, Unix, MS DOS

David Burton Page 3


Fix Your PC鈥橲 Atlanta, Georgia

Certificate of Completion 2010

Sales Communication level one

ITT Technical Institute Atlanta, Georgia

Associates of Computer Electronic Engineering Technology 2008-2010

Academic Deans List Award Recipient

ITT Technical Institute Atlanta, Georgia

Bachelor鈥檚 of Commun|||It's way too long with way too many details. This needs to be short, sweet and to the point. You've got to try and trim this to one page, maybe just over one page. Save some details for the interview. Take your summary of qualifications and condense them into a cover letter to convey your information.

Put your ITT Tech education above the certificate program - college level educations always get listed before certificates. Put them all at the top of the resume. Put no more than 3 bullet points for any of those listings and use only your most important points. Don't list so many jobs, list the 3 most relevant jobs. If you want to capitalize on your other experience, you could bullet point the position name, but I don't think you're going to have enough room for it.

Most resumes get a 10-second scan through by a potential employer. They can't take the time to read every little detail. It's a narrow down process... with a stack of 30 resumes, they're going to scan them, and hold onto maybe 5 and then read those in depth.

The instrument panel in my 1997 Plymouth Grand Voyager SE has gone dead - none of the instruments function.?

From web searches it appears as if the body control module has gone bad, and needs repair/replacement. None of the BCM units I see listed on eBay and others look like what I see under the dash, where I see an assembly with the number PO4869141 on the side. My van has electronic locks and windows, which the eBay units seem to preclude. Anyone have any advice?

Thanks.|||Have you've tried tapping the dash sometimes if a bad connection this will help to diagnose it.Also many times the dash or cluster or gauge assembly will develop bad connections not just at the plug in connectors or wiring but internally in the soldered circuit boards.So if you can solder circuit boards or know of someone that could it's quite possible all that cluster really needs is to be re-soldered.Otherwise go to a U pull auto wreckers and take one out yourself that should save you cash and at the same time you can hand pick the cluster assembly, just be sure it is just like yours.Plus you might be lucky enough to find a used one that was actually replaced resently and could be fairly new or at least reconditioned.

Another thing that you should keep in mind is the grounds that go to the cluster one could be bad or the ground wires could have bad connections at the other ends where they connect up via wire o-ring connectors to different locals both under and behind the dash assembly etc.

Hope that helps and best of luck.By the way since the cluster assembly has more then likely more then one fuse feeding it and the body control module=BCM also controls the cluster and uses at times the same fuses it could be a ground going to the BCM or the BCM itself could be faulty.Note that if you used a U pull yard you might get the BCM and cluster for 50-100 for both items or even less.Like any item you have to shop around for best prices and for the best possible warranty but most wreckers only offer a full replacement or credit within the first 30 days.The last time I went for a cluster assembly for a Dodge as old as your vehicle is they charged me 20 bucks for it with me pulling the part out myself but thats a rare price most will charge 25-75 for it when you pull it out yourself plus they'd charge on the average about 30-50 bucks for the BCM. Remember the more you buy the more of a deal you can make and don't forget to check out things like extra bulbs, fuses, relays, spark-plug wires, coil packs, belts etc.Some U pull auto wreckers offer a flat price for all you can carry out so keep an eye open for them bec you can get tons of parts all at once for as low prices as 35-50 bucks.|||It's needs a instrument cluster. The circuit board on the back of the cluster shorts out. Pretty common on these.|||did you check to see if you have a blow fuse ??

Huge audio system discussion.?

I've been sleeping on an idea for some time now. I'm not really looking for an answer for as of now the idea is only a concept and i know that this project will cost well over 40 grand. I鈥檓 into factory looks and OEM system. As most of you know Infiniti's audio systems aren鈥檛 the to the average listener many might disagree but as an audiophile like myself many would agree their systems don鈥檛 have great sound.

I plan to fully customizing an 07 M45. I want to keep the original head unit because most of the electronic features are run through it. Also the steering wheel controls and everything about the system looks great why tamper with it? I plan to rip out every last speaker in the car and most of the upholstery for the custom interior work. At the end of this customization there will be a minimum of 30 speakers. This includes tweeters-subs. just about every surface in the car will have a speaker hidden away or fabricated into it. I have been looking at Hertz speakers that will be powered by focal amps. All wiring will be high grade Monster cables.

Here comes the discussion part:

What would be the best way to power this system? I will have 6 subs for sure. Each one powered by its own mono-D amp. Each amp is under 1000 watts. The amps won鈥檛 be that powerful and I don鈥檛 want to run them full power for safety purposes. I do not feel like replacing anything. Still warranty is a must for all of these products are going to cost well over $500.

There will be 6 mono-D amps. As of now my idea is to have at least 2-4 4channel amps to power the component systems in the housing. A total of at least 8 amps.

What do you guys think would be the most logical way to power this system? I'm considering Kinetik batteries and upgrading the alternator, though this would be the hardest part to do on this car. Powering this system will be the most difficult part on this project.|||yes u must upgrade the electrical system. alternators, batteries. u may want to cut dwn on the on the 30 speakers. some of the best systems out there use 15 to 20 at best|||You're on the right track. But I think the 40 grand is a bit much, it should be less than half that unless you're the kind that buys $100 jeans.

A minimum of 30 speakers is also a bit much for such a small space. There isn't 30 speakers in a theater. This is one of those situations where less is more, not the other way around.

Anywhoo, at leats three group 31 deep cycle batteries and upgrading to the largest alternator you can find is the way to go if at all possible.|||Kudos Sparky. I don't believe you've actually suggested "additional batteries" for this project....lmao.

I agree totally. That would provide plenty of current for this type of system so long as you get the largest alternator available for that engine and upgrade the other two parts of the Big 3, alternator and chassis wiring. (I surprised you didn't mention that Sparky, lol)

Need opinions on my CV...?

I'm a fresh graduate electronics engineer, I need some advice on my CV, whether it looks professional or not.

here it is:


A challenging position in an esteemed organization where I can utilize my engineering experience and have the opportunity to further develop my skills and knowledge.

Academic Credentials

Bachelor of Communications %26amp; Electronics Engineering, Alexandria University (2011).


鈥?Design %26amp; maintenance of electrical %26amp; electronic circuits.

鈥?Design of embedded systems using AVR, PIC, ARM and Intel microcontrollers and processors.

鈥?Extensive experience in programming using C/C++, VB Studio, MATLAB.

Achieved first place in a programming contest in 2006 using VB studio 6.0.

鈥?Design of control systems using PLC.

鈥?Designing, installing, configuring %26amp; Troubleshooting Local Area Networks.

鈥?Extensive experience in computer maintenance %26amp; troubleshooting.

鈥?Dealing professionally with software packages like MS Office, Multisim, Proteus, Modelsim.

鈥?Ability to work effectively under pressure individually or in a team.

鈥?Adaptable and quick to learn new skills.

鈥?Graduation project: Remote Sensing using Synthetic Aperture Radar.


Received trainings in the following organizations:

鈥?KOBUSCH Packaging Egypt 鈥?Electrical Maintenance Dept.

鈥?Bibliotheca Alexandrina 鈥?Low Current Unit.

鈥?Telecom Egypt.

Personal Information

...................................|||Its very good... Well Done...

What remote combat options does the Army have? Aerial based MOS?

I am in the process of enlisting with the Army. I have taken the ASVAB(got a 128 on my GT score) and am in the process of working on paperwork now.

Now I have to decide an MOS that I want(that's available/becomes available). I would like to do something like pilot a predator drone or some other type of UAV or control systems associated with them. Does the army have jobs like that?

I think I would also enjoy an MOS that would required me to operate from within an aircraft. I would like to have an MOS where I would be required to fly all over the world on misc missions at a moments notice.

One final one, does the army have electronic warfare like the marines where I would work in conjunction with an infantry unit and use technology to assist them. I have thought about doing infantry or special forces but I think I would enjoy one of these more.

Are there any MOSes like this in the Army?|||To be an army UAV operator just join the army enlisted and pick 15W: have i think a 105 or 110 gt on asvab...pass a class III flight physical (which is less stringent than manned), and be able to obtain a secret clearance.

The Army 15W UAV operators operate the shadow (375 lb aircraft) the smallest, the Hunter (oldest in current fleet), the Warrior and ERMP (these two aircraft are very similar and in size to the airforce's Predator and made by same company)......All of these are operated by Enlisted soldiers and camera operated by 15W also

The Army's Raven and the MAV are very small UAVs but are not flown by 15Ws.....they are the little recon aircraft that usually fly around 1000' in the air and are operated by Combat arms guys primarily forward observers and infantry.....Its a 2-3 week course

Im a 15W and the course is minimum 6 months long at Fort Huachuca thats for the shadow....the larger UAVs require more time and have less slots available

RESALE VALUE OF USED -- Nikon Lite鈥ouch Zoom 150ED/150ED QD?


Type of camera 35mm auto focus lens-shutter camera with Nikon zoom lens

Usable film DX-coded 35mm format film in film cartridge

Picture format Normal: 24 x 36mm; Panorama (150ED QD only): 13.3 x 36mm

Lens 38-150mm f/5.4-12; 7 elements in 5 groups (ED lens and Aspheric lenses are used)

Shutter Programmed electronic type; also serves as diaphragm blades

Shutter speed 2 to 1/500 s.

Viewfinder Real-image viewfinder; Frame coverage; over 80% in regular-size frame; approx. 0.38x magnification at 38mm, approx.1.2x at 150mm; Dioptre adjustment; (-3~+1m-1), Anti-fog viewfinder

Viewfinder info Image size frame with parallax compensation marks; Panorama-format frame marks (150ED QD only); Auto focus frame marks: Green LED (in-focus indicator) -- Lights up: subject focused, Blinks slowly (at 2Hz): subject is too close to achieve correct focus, Blinks quickly (at 8Hz): subject is difficult to focus; Orange LED (flash-ready light) -- Lights up: flash ready, Blinks slowly (at 4Hz): flash being charged, Blinks quickly (at 8Hz): the popped-up flash unit is being pressed down

Focusing Wide-Area Passive Auto focus system; Activated by lightly pressing shutter release button; Distance range (approx.): 0.75m (2.5 ft.) to infinity at 38mm, 0.8m (2.6 ft.) to infinity at 150mm

Focus lock Focus is locked as long as the shutter release button is lightly pressed

Exposure control Electronically controlled program AE: auto exposure range (ISO 100): EV 6-16 at 38mm or EV 6.5-16 at 150mm; (ISO 400): EV 8-17 at 38mm, EV 8-18 at 150mm

Film speed setting ISO 25, 50,100, 200, 400, 800,1600 and DX-coded 3200 film automatically set; With non-DX-coded film, automatically set to ISO 25

Film loading Film automatically advances to the first frame upon completion of film loading; With a film cartridge confirmation window

Frame counter Shown in the LCD panel; Additive type; Counts back during film rewind

Self-timer Electronically controlled; Activated by depressing the shutter release button; Self-timer lamp blinks and lights up to show when ready; Timer duration 10 s.; Cancel-able

Film advance Film automatically advances by one frame after each shot; Auto rewind at the end of film roll; Mid-roll rewind function available

Built-in flash Four flash modes available: Auto Flash, Flash Cancel, Anytime Flash, and Night Portrait (Slow Sync Flash); Flash automatically fires when there is not enough light or subject is back lit; Flash shooting range (ISO 100): approx. 0.75-3.8m (2.5-12.5 ft.) at 38mm, approx. 0.8-1.6m (2.6- 5.2 ft.) at 150mm; (ISO 400): approx. 0.75-7.6m (2.5-24.9 ft.) at 38mm, approx. 0.8-3.2m (2.6-10.5 ft.) at 150mm; Shutter release button is locked during flash charging; Recycling time approx. 5 sec.

Red-Eye Reduction mode Red-Eye Reduction lamp lights up for approx. 1 sec. before flash fires

Battery life Approx. 10 rolls of 24-exposure film when flash is used for half the exposures

LCD panel (Power is on) Frame counter, Flash mode, Red-Eye Reduction, Self-timer/Remote Control (QD model only), Infinity Focus mode, Battery power, Time/Date (150ED model QD only)

Power source One 3V CR123A (or DL123A) lithium battery

Date imprint function Functions with panorama-format pictures; Auto film speed setting with DX codes (ISO 25-3200); Printed date include Year, Month, Day, Hour, (24-hour cycle with no AM/PM) and Minute with five choices; Year/Month/Day, Month/Day/Year, Day/Month/Year, Day/Hour/Minute, and no-imprint; Leap year adjustment until 2040; Power source is the same as the camera body; Built-in clock with timing accuracy within 卤90 seconds a month

Dimensions (W x H x D) (approx.) 117 x 60 x 46mm (4.6 x 2.4 x 1.8 in.)

Weight (without battery) (approx.) 195g (6.9 oz.)|||This is one of the more sought after film compacts so $25-$40, little more if it's complete with box and paperwork.|||Maybe $50- $60, if it's in VERY good condition. There's not much demand for 35mm point and shoot cameras.

Why is my furnace cycling on / off?

Ok, here's the real story, I fix things for a living but I get stumped once in a while. My own home's forced air gas furnace is giving me a run around. A few years ago, I installed an electronic pilot ignition system in it to replace the original standing pilot. I also raised the size of the blower fan pulley a little to try to boost performance. The ignition has worked flawlessly ever since but I have subsequently lowered back the pulley size..too noisy etc. The issue is, mostly in cold times, when the (digital) thermostat calls for heat, the ignition triggers, flame detection responds and main valve fires...all normal. The main burner continues for awhile heating the box until the temp / fan switch raises and triggers ultimately starting the blower...again all normal. Then, once the blower is running, while watching the temp / fan switch, it slowly begins to lower (presumably because the blast of cooler / cold return air coming into the box). Unfortunately it continues and gets to a point where it then shuts the blower back off to keep the unit from blowing cold air into the house. The burner stays on...never goes out...because the thermostat is still calling for heat. Then, we wait for the box to again raise in temp (remember burner is still on) to a point where the temp / fan switch will once again raise and turn on the blower moving warm air into the house....but also cooler / cold air back to the box via the return duct. The cycle continues, blower on for a little bit, temp sensor gets cooled by incoming air, blower shuts off....repeating on, and on, and on, The temp / fan switch was replaced a couple of years ago. Filter is new...actually no filter right now, but access door for the filter is sealed shut to prevent outside air from entering the return duct. The high limit setting on the temp / fan switch it is about 180 to 190....it never gets to that point, The trigger on (fan on) set point is about 125 to 150, the trigger off (fan off) point is about 65 or 70. The burners look good...but all I can think of is the unit is not putting out the level of heat it should and can't keep up with the temp of cooler air returning back to it. In thinking about this, I think the problem has been occurring probably since the conversion to the electronic ignition (maybe before) which included a new main combination valve. I am thinking of bringing PG%26amp;E in to look at the flame to see if it seems too low...but in my years of working on every kind of equipment around...including many furnaces...the flame looks fine to me...short bright blue flame rising about 3/4" from the top of the burner with a longer tail of blue and yellow raising 4 inches or so above that. Maybe it needs to be higher...I am not familiar with a level adjustment of the flame on the control valve...just the air mixture via the burners adjustable air dampners. OK experts...got any suggestions?|||Ok, here we go. The flames sound fine to me and the adjustment for the gas valve is on top of it, there is a silver screw cap covering the adjustment port. Remove cap and look down in there and you will see it. Turn CW to increase and CCW to decrease, they come factory set so you shouldn't have to mess with it, was just letting you know where it was.

Now for the limit switch. Is it the right one/size? They come in 5,8,10,and 12 inch. Referring to the bimetallic shaft that goes into the heat exchangers. Make sure it is right.

Now the settings on the on. The limit should be set to around 210-215. The set point the fan on should be between 170-190. The set point for fan off should be between 90-110. Make sure you hold onto the dial while adjusting the pointers.

One more thing. Make sure your fan is running on low speed for the winter and on high for the summer. Hot air is lighter and does not take much force to move. Hope this helps|||Your sucking heat off faster than the furnace can put out.

Try to change the lower limit to a lower temp.

The fan speed was designed to work with the heat output.|||It hates you.|||That was a very thorough description. And the problems can be resolved by using just the basic methods of trouble shooting and what we perform as routine furnace maintenance. First, the gas pressure at the gas manifold should be at 3.5 in of water column (checked with a gas pressure gauge), then the fan limit control stem should be long enough to reach the middle of the heat exchangers. The set points on the limit should be enough to maintain the correct temperature rise according to the specs on the units data tag.(30 to 40 degrees). This is tested with a digital thermometer using an air probe. These tests should make it operate properly.|||wow,

I wish i could help you,

I don't get all the technical stuff you mentioned, but let me see if i got something, maybe we have the same problem...

I will be very simple...

when the weather is too my furnace is on the highest which is 90 and is still cold

and when it's not that cold and the inside temp is for example 72, the furnace still runs even more then it should...

no repair man admits that it has a problem, but I have to live with it, the winters are just too cold with my furnace

anyway, can you answer my other question about my furnacehttp://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;鈥?/a>

Why are there so many job duties when working for certain compaines?

i applied for a job at a university for the food service department and their are several task that

that one has to do cooking Perform any of the following duties as directed or assigned: Assists on a shift with other personnel in the preparation of a wide variety of food items in accordance with the established menu using standardized recipes from the food management software system. Hot food items include, but are not limited to, proper preparation and cooking of meats, casseroles, vegetables, sauces, etc. Cold food items include, but are not limited to, preparation and presentation of fruit, vegetables and salads. Preparation may involve peeling, paring, coring, washing, sectioning, cutting, or scoring as may be appropriate. Other food preparation items may include, but are not limited to, cookies, dessert items, condiments, dressings, mousses, gelatins, puddings, etc. Techniques may involve display, cook-to-order or a traditional back-of-house kitchen environment where batch preparation is more conducive for a catered event or dining hall environment. Garnishes food items, plates and platters as directed. Operates and maintains equipment including, but not limited to, gas/electric flat surface grills, deep fryers, stoves, ovens, mixers, hand utensils, etc. Responsible for cleaning and sanitation of equipment and utensils within the preparation/ kitchen area. Attend serving line station; Maintain beverage stations; Perform front of house cleaning/sanitation activities that may include, but not necessarily limited to, sweeping/scrubbing/mopping floors; bus tables to include cleaning/sanitizing table tops and chairs. Perform rear of house cleaning/sanitation activities that may include, but not necessarily limited to, dish/pot room attendant, sweeping/scrubbing/mopping floors, removal of garbage/trash from unit to approved disposal containers. Follows and maintains principles for safe food handling practices thereby ensuring only quality, uncontaminated, food items are prepared and served to customers. Demonstrates an understanding of the Key Practices for Ensuring Food Safety. Prepares food items according to instructions. Controls time and temperature when preparing/serving foods. Ensures items are properly labeled and stored if not prepared for immediate use on the serving line. Follows proper storage procedures for dry, cooler and freezer goods. Follows (Hazardous Analysis of Critical Control Points) HACCP principles to include documentation of required process checks. Prevents cross contamination of food during preparation, cooking and/or serving. Ensures proper storage of leftover food products. Practices good personal hygiene at all times. Utilize proper cleaning and sanitizing procedures. Follow unit/department customer services guidelines to ensure customer satisfaction. Report instances of customer dissatisfaction to supervisor immediately. Maintains professional appearance according to uniform procedures and standards for assigned unit and other activities as may be assigned.

Occasional Duties University Dining is committed to providing courteous, responsive, quality service to its customers by fostering a respectful, positive, and welcoming environment for everyone. Employees are responsible for representing the department to internal and external customers by actively supporting diversity, maintaining 100% "on time" compliance with all university required training for all employees, approving time worked and requesting appropriate leave in a timely manner, reading and responding to electronic communications, reviewing/reading information listed on the department intranet, performing assigned tasks in a safe manner, adhering to all state and county health department rules and regulations, adhering to department food safety policies, utilizing personal protective items/equipment as appropriate or instructed by supervisor or department. Reporting unsafe actions or conditions to supervisor immediately and supporting and following unit/department safety guidelines, practices and policies. Individuals in this position are considered essential when the University declares an emergency, campus closure, class cancellations, etc. Compliance with all state and county health department and safety regulations. Maintain high standards of sanitation as a priority. Performs assigned tasks is a safe manner, utilizing personal protective items/equipment as appropriate, instructed and/or mandated by regulation. Report unsafe actions or conditions to supervisor immediately. Support and follow unit/department safety program and policies. Maintain 100% "on time" compliance with university required training for ALL employees (Orientation to the A%26amp;M System; Ethics; Creating a Discrimination Free Workplace; Reporting Fraud, Waste and Abuse; Information Security Awareness CSCN). Satisfactory completion of Dining Services BASE training. Maintain refresher training as necessary to maintain req|||It's such a hard work...

What appliances should use a voltage regulator?

What appliances typically are susceptible to voltage spikes and drops ? I know stereo equipment and TVs should be protected. I just bought 'OPTI-UPS SS1200 Stabilizer' to protect the control board in my pellet stove, since I just replaced it due to an ice storm.

I want to make sure I reasonably protect other items.

Refrigerator ?

desktop of course, but laptop ? don't these have voltage regulators built in ?

any other normal applicant/electronic that I am not listing ? for the $20 cost of this unit, I would not mind protecting items worth hundreds of dollars.|||Electronic equipment, especially audio, video, and konfuzers,

should be protected from out-of-tolerance voltages.

Most other things will survive temporary high or

low voltage conditions without harm.

Refrigerators and freezers can be damaged by low voltage

("brownouts") because they require a short burst

of high current to get the compressor started, and it

is not available under conditions of low line voltage.


i need to put this information (below) in my own words, BUT I'm currently studying for 3 midterms for tomorrow, plus more homework. if someone could please paraphrase this stuff it would be a HUGE help and another thing off my to-do list.:

A vehicle's ignition system provides the first steps required to start the engine. The primary goal of the system is to ignite the fuel-air mixture so that the resulting energy can power the motor. A variety of ignition system designs have been used throughout the years. However, modern cars utilize an electric spark to initiate combustion.

Modern car engine ignition systems consist of a distributor, ignition coil, spark plugs and spark plug wires. The entire system is connected to the engine's battery. The distributor is the most complex and integral component of the system, and includes a rotating cam, condenser, rotor and distributor cap.

The ignition coil is the component that connects directly to the vehicle's battery and includes two transformer windings. The primary winding feeds into the distributor, while the secondary winding connects to the spark plugs. The distributor's cam rotates in unison with the engine's compression cycle. When enough energy has been created, the spinning cam opens a breaker, which causes a high-voltage jump in the ignition coil. This voltage surge is transported to the spark plugs, resulting in the necessary electric spark to begin ignition.

There are currently two types of automobile ignition systems in use: mechanically timed and electronic. They differ mainly in the way that the high-voltage surge is released to the spark plugs. Mechanically timed systems utilize a series of breaker points, while electronic systems use optical or light sensors. Electronic ignition systems are considered superior because they eliminate the possibility for mechanical wear and improve overall effectiveness.

A car engines Ignition System with distributor type ignition systems can seem complex, but once simplified can be diagnosed with ease. Using the Diagram provided above you can see there are several different components. The most common component is the spark plug. If you do not have spark at the spark plug then you can backtrack from there. Use a new spark plug or spark tester to test for spark coming from the plug wire, if you do not see spark here, test for spark coming from the coil wire to the distributor. If these test ok, move on and look at the distributor cap and rotor for corrosion or damage. If these look ok, then you most likely have a failed ignition module. The ignition module is located under the distributor cap on GM vehicles and external on most other vehicles. Ignition module failure is the most common no spark symptom outside normal tune up maintenance.

The ECM (engine control module) controls the engine ignition timing by advancing and retarding the primary trigger signal. In old cars a points, condenser and a vacuum advance unit performed this job. This ignition coil is a pulse-type it consists, in part, of two coils of wire. These wires are wrapped around two iron cores. Because this is a step-up transformer, the secondary coil has far more turns of wire than the primary coil. The secondary coil has several thousand turns of thin wire, while the primary coil has just a few hundred raps. This allows 40,000 volts or more of voltage to be generated by a car battery.

This electrical signal is generated by the crankshaft position sensor (CKP), camshaft position sensor (CAS). The ECM calculates spark timing by using the computer system.

The initial power supplied to the ignition system is generated from the battery. All vehicles use an alternator to recharge the battery during normal operation. A low battery can cause an engine not to start even if the engine is cranking over slowly. This is because the vehicle voltage has dropped below 12 volts. If any component of the ignition system is not functioning properly, it can cause an entire ignition system failure. Proper maintenance such as a tune up can help ensure that the vehicle's ignition system operates at peak performance.

Most four-stroke engines have used a mechanically timed electrical ignition system. The heart of the system is the distributor. The distributor contains a rotating cam driven by the engine's drive, a set of breaker points, a condenser, a rotor and a distributor cap. External to the distributor is the ignition coil, the spark plugs and wires linking the distributor to the spark plugs and ignition coil.

The system is powered by a lead-acid battery, which is charged by the car's electrical system using a dynamo or alternator. The engine operates contact breaker points, which interrupt the current to an induction coil (known as the ignition coil).

The ignition coil consists of two transformer windings sharing a common magnetic core鈥攖he primary and secondary windings. An alternating current in the primary i|||This is YOUR "to-do" list -- can't understand why you think that WE would do it.

Also remember, putting something "in your own words" is STILL plagiarism! If you want to use parts of this (and you didn't even post all of it) in your paper, just cite where you got the information.

Here's how to summarize:


My best advice would NOT be waiting around for someone to do this -- that you get on it yourself and perhaps learn not to procrastinate.

Need help with these computer basic questions..?

ok, can someone answer these questions, if u do ill give u the best answer so u get points,

1. The Internet may best be compared to a(n)

A. large network of roads.

B. series of colored lights.

C. loud truck motor.

D. enormous skyscraper.

2. Which one of the following word processing features saves you

the most time when keying a document?

A. WYSIWYG C. Thesaurus

B. Hitting the Delete key D. Find-and-replace

3. What may happen if a large number of computer users are

attempting to access a Web site at the same time that you are?

A. Your computer may shut off.

B. You may be automatically routed to a chat room.

C. You may be unable to link to the site.

D. You may enter the site more quickly than usual.

4. A window frame will expand to fill the entire desktop when you

A. double-click the taskbar.

B. double-click the horizontal scroll bar.

C. click the title bar button marked with two overlapping squares.

D. click the title bar button marked with a single square.

5. The term integration refers to the ability to

A. use a variety of search engines.

B. select different graphics on the computer.

C. employ different fonts in an e-mail.

D. transfer information from one type of program to another.

6. Which of the following functions does a browser perform?

A. Stores your e-mails on tape C. Links you to the Web

B. Finds sites devoted to a particular subject D. Automates data calculation

7. Under normal circumstances, you can鈥檛 erase or add any information to a

A. formatted floppy. C. CD-ROM.

B. rewritable CD. D. hard disk


8. Which keyboard mode would you use if you wanted to enter a word between two

existing words?

A. Typeover C. Edit

B. Insert D. Delete

9. Which of the following is a Windows feature that allows you to temporarily store text?

A. Clipboard C. Typeover

B. WordVault D. Normal View

10. The computer mouse is used to

A. store a history of menu choices.

B. operate Windows in the DOS mode.

C. transfer an operating system from one machine to another.

D. control a pointer on the screen.

11. Which of the following software programs provides for e-mail communication?

A. Excel C. WordPerfect

B. Outlook D. Access

12. A computer鈥檚 CPU and hard drive are found in the

A. keyboard. C. main peripheral device.

B. power bar. D. system unit.

13. Which of the following describes an advantage of using an electronic spreadsheet rather

than a manual spreadsheet?

A. An electronic spreadsheet automatically checks to make sure that the formulas you

enter are correct.

B. With an electronic spreadsheet, you would spend more time formatting the document.

C. An electronic spreadsheet automatically recalculates figures when you change

numbers in a cell.

D. Wizards provide help with spreadsheet creation.

14. An ellipsis following a menu item tells you

A. there鈥檚 a submenu that offers additional choices. C. your hard drive is out of space.

B. the item is linked to a Web site. D. a dialog box is available.

15. When Clara accesses the programs and documents on her computer by way of icons, she

is said to be employing

A. DOS. C. Internet Explorer.

B. graphical user interface. D. the network neighborhood.

16. In the Mouse Properties window, you can

A. adjust the mouse鈥檚 double-click speed. C. increase the mouse pad鈥檚 size.

B. specify new tasks for the mouse to perform. D. change the color of the pointer.

17. The picture that graphically represents the items you use in Windows is called a/an

A. icon. C. taskbar.

B. GUI. D. submenu.

18. You can access various sites on the WWW by using hyperlinks or by

A. typing in the site address. C. choosing options from a menu.

B. entering a key word for your search. D. following directions on-screen.

19. Search engines enable you to

A. locate Web pages related to a specific subject. C. connect to a better ISP.

B. find and replace a certain item in Word. D. talk to people via the computer.

20. You want to send an e-mail to someone. However, you also want to include a second

person without the first person seeing the name. Which e-mail feature would you type the

second contact鈥檚 name into?

A. To C. CC

B. BC D. BCC|||1. The Internet may best be compared to a(n)

A. large network of roads.

2. Which one of the following word processing features saves you

the most time when keying a document?

A. WYSIWYG C. Thesaurus

B. Hitting the Delete key D. Find-and-replace

3. What may happen if a large number of computer users are

attempting to access a Web site at the same time that you are?

C. You may be unable to link to the site.

4. A window frame will expand to fill the entire desktop when you

D. click the title bar button marked with a single square.

5. The term integration refers to the ability to

D. transfer information from one type of program to another.

6. Which of the following functions does a browser perform?

(All of the above)

7. Under normal circumstances, you can鈥檛 erase or add any information to a



8. Which keyboard mode would you use if you wanted to enter a word between two

existing words?

B. Insert

9. Which of the following is a Windows feature that allows you to temporarily store text?

A. Clipboard

10. The computer mouse is used to

D. control a pointer on the screen.

11. Which of the following software programs provides for e-mail communication?

B. Outlook

12. A computer鈥檚 CPU and hard drive are found in the

D. system unit.

13. Which of the following describes an advantage of using an electronic spreadsheet rather

than a manual spreadsheet?

C. An electronic spreadsheet automatically recalculates figures when you change

numbers in a cell.

D. Wizards provide help with spreadsheet creation.

14. An ellipsis following a menu item tells you

A. there鈥檚 a submenu that offers additional choices. C. your hard drive is out of space.

B. the item is linked to a Web site. D. a dialog box is available.

15. When Clara accesses the programs and documents on her computer by way of icons, she

is said to be employing

B. graphical user interface.

16. In the Mouse Properties window, you can

A. adjust the mouse鈥檚 double-click speed.

B. specify new tasks for the mouse to perform. D. change the color of the pointer.

17. The picture that graphically represents the items you use in Windows is called a/an

A. icon.

18. You can access various sites on the WWW by using hyperlinks or by

A. typing in the site address.

B. entering a key word for your search.

19. Search engines enable you to

A. locate Web pages related to a specific subject.

20. You want to send an e-mail to someone. However, you also want to include a second

person without the first person seeing the name. Which e-mail feature would you type the

second contact鈥檚 name into?

A. To C. CC


Number 2 and number 20 I don't know. I'm not a fan of email and I've never heard of WYSIWYG nor the term "Keying a document".|||Cheating on an exam.. nice. Why don't you just read the book? All of the answers are in there... except #18.. I hate that one. just look under the obvious headlines and look for a main word or 2 in there to get the answer.

Report Abuse

|||and btw.. if you dont know what a computer mouse does you really shouldnt own a computer.

Report Abuse

|||Really?|||Do your own homework!

That is how you learn!

What good will it do YOU to give you your homework answers?

They are all fairly simple!|||As others have said, there's no point in my doing your homework for you.|||Doing your own homework is the best answer. |||Homework is for the person in school, Been there done that!!!

Just do it, you may learn alot, and get a good grade.

I need some help well answers my son is doing this homework thing and idk the answers i need a answer key help?

The Internet may best be compared to a(n)

A. large network of roads.

B. series of colored lights.

C. loud truck motor.

D. enormous skyscraper.

2. Which one of the following word processing features saves you the most time when keying a document?


B. Hitting the Delete key

C. Thesaurus

D. Search-and-replace

3. What may happen if a large number of computer users are attempting to access a Web site at the same time that you are?

A. Your computer may shut off.

B. You may be automatically routed to a chat room.

C. You may be unable to link to the site.

D. You may enter the site more quickly than usual.

4. A window frame will expand to fill the entire desktop when you

A. double-click the taskbar.

B. double-click the horizontal scroll bar.

C. click the title bar button marked with two overlapping squares.

D. click the title bar button marked with a single square.

5. The term integration refers to the ability to

A. use a variety of search engines.

B. select different graphics on the computer.

C. employ different fonts in an e-mail.

D. transfer information from one type of program to another.

6. Which of the following functions does a browser perform?

A. Stores your e-mails on tape

B. Finds sites devoted to a particular subject.

C. Links you to the Web

D. Automates data calculation

7. Under normal circumstances, you can't erase or add any information

to a

A. formatted floppy.

B. rewritable CD.


D. hard disk.

8. What important step should you take upon re-booting in the event the computer loses power before Windows can shut down properly?

A. Delete any files still in the recycle bin.

B. Run the ScanDisk feature.

C. Test your mouse.

D. Open your Web browser.

9. Which of the following is a Windows feature that allows you to temporarily store text?

A. Clipboard

B. WordVault

C. Typeover

D. Normal View

10. The computer mouse is used to

A. store a history of menu choices.

B. operate Windows in the DOS mode.

C. transfer an operating system from one machine to another.

D. control a pointer on the screen.

11. Which of the following software programs provides for e-mail communication?

A. Excel

B. Outlook

C. WordPerfect

D. Access

12. A computer's CPU and hard drive are found in the

A. keyboard.

B. power bar.

C. main peripheral device.

D. system unit.

13. Which of the following describes an advantage of using an electronic spreadsheet rather than a manual spreadsheet?

A. An electronic spreadsheet automatically checks to make sure that the formulas you enter are correct.

B. With an electronic spreadsheet, you would spend more time formatting the document.

C. An electronic spreadsheet automatically recalculates figures when you change numbers in a cell.

D. Wizards provide help with spreadsheet creation.

14. An ellipsis following a menu item tells you

A. there's a submenu that offers additional choices.

B. the item is linked to a Web site.

C. your hard drive is out of space.

D. a dialog box is available.

15. When Clara accesses the programs and documents on her computer by way of icons, she is said to be employing


B. graphical user interface.

C. Internet Explorer.

D. the network neighborhood.

16. In the Mouse Properties window, you can

A. adjust the mouse's double-click speed.

B. specify new tasks for the mouse to perform.

C. increase the mouse pad's size.

D. change the color of the pointer.

17. The picture that graphically represents the items you use in Windows is called a/an

A. icon.


C. taskbar.

D. submenu.

18. You can access various sites on the WWW by using hyperlinks or by

A. typing in the site address.

B. entering a key word for your search.

C. choosing options from a menu.

D. following directions on-screen.

19. Search engines enable you to

A. locate Web pages related to a specific subject.

B. find and replace a certain item in Word.

C. connect to a better ISP.

D. talk to people via the computer.

20. The domain in an e-mail message tells you the

A. location of the destination.

B. name of the service provider.

C. subject matter of the message.

D. nature of the host computer. |||1. a

2. d

3. c

4. d

5. d

6. d

7. c

8. b

9. a

10. d

11. b

12. d

13. c

14. a

15. b

16. d

17. a

18. a

19. a

20. b

I need some help well answers my son is doing this homework thing and idk the answers i need a answer key help?

The Internet may best be compared to a(n)

A. large network of roads.

B. series of colored lights.

C. loud truck motor.

D. enormous skyscraper.

2. Which one of the following word processing features saves you the most time when keying a document?


B. Hitting the Delete key

C. Thesaurus

D. Search-and-replace

3. What may happen if a large number of computer users are attempting to access a Web site at the same time that you are?

A. Your computer may shut off.

B. You may be automatically routed to a chat room.

C. You may be unable to link to the site.

D. You may enter the site more quickly than usual.

4. A window frame will expand to fill the entire desktop when you

A. double-click the taskbar.

B. double-click the horizontal scroll bar.

C. click the title bar button marked with two overlapping squares.

D. click the title bar button marked with a single square.

5. The term integration refers to the ability to

A. use a variety of search engines.

B. select different graphics on the computer.

C. employ different fonts in an e-mail.

D. transfer information from one type of program to another.

6. Which of the following functions does a browser perform?

A. Stores your e-mails on tape

B. Finds sites devoted to a particular subject.

C. Links you to the Web

D. Automates data calculation

7. Under normal circumstances, you can't erase or add any information

to a

A. formatted floppy.

B. rewritable CD.


D. hard disk.

8. What important step should you take upon re-booting in the event the computer loses power before Windows can shut down properly?

A. Delete any files still in the recycle bin.

B. Run the ScanDisk feature.

C. Test your mouse.

D. Open your Web browser.

9. Which of the following is a Windows feature that allows you to temporarily store text?

A. Clipboard

B. WordVault

C. Typeover

D. Normal View

10. The computer mouse is used to

A. store a history of menu choices.

B. operate Windows in the DOS mode.

C. transfer an operating system from one machine to another.

D. control a pointer on the screen.

11. Which of the following software programs provides for e-mail communication?

A. Excel

B. Outlook

C. WordPerfect

D. Access

12. A computer's CPU and hard drive are found in the

A. keyboard.

B. power bar.

C. main peripheral device.

D. system unit.

13. Which of the following describes an advantage of using an electronic spreadsheet rather than a manual spreadsheet?

A. An electronic spreadsheet automatically checks to make sure that the formulas you enter are correct.

B. With an electronic spreadsheet, you would spend more time formatting the document.

C. An electronic spreadsheet automatically recalculates figures when you change numbers in a cell.

D. Wizards provide help with spreadsheet creation.

14. An ellipsis following a menu item tells you

A. there's a submenu that offers additional choices.

B. the item is linked to a Web site.

C. your hard drive is out of space.

D. a dialog box is available.

15. When Clara accesses the programs and documents on her computer by way of icons, she is said to be employing


B. graphical user interface.

C. Internet Explorer.

D. the network neighborhood.

16. In the Mouse Properties window, you can

A. adjust the mouse's double-click speed.

B. specify new tasks for the mouse to perform.

C. increase the mouse pad's size.

D. change the color of the pointer.

17. The picture that graphically represents the items you use in Windows is called a/an

A. icon.


C. taskbar.

D. submenu.

18. You can access various sites on the WWW by using hyperlinks or by

A. typing in the site address.

B. entering a key word for your search.

C. choosing options from a menu.

D. following directions on-screen.

19. Search engines enable you to

A. locate Web pages related to a specific subject.

B. find and replace a certain item in Word.

C. connect to a better ISP.

D. talk to people via the computer.

20. The domain in an e-mail message tells you the

A. location of the destination.

B. name of the service provider.

C. subject matter of the message.

D. nature of the host computer. |||a



















b||| If you are actually a parent "helping": your son with his home work,you shouldn't . If you are a kid trying to get someone else to do your homework, that's cheating. You can't learn anything if you don't try/|||No parent would post this.

I'm replacing my Gas Furnace and Central Air Conditioner. Which brand?

I have a 1400 sq ft split entry house with a system that is roughly 35 years old. I recently had Sears come out and price a few systems out for me. They priced Carrier and Kenmore (made by Carrier). The cost of the systems ranged from $8000-11000. The Carrier was only a few hundred more than the Kenmore.

The furnace was variable speed, and the condenser was a two-speed. The range of SEER and efficiency ratings were from 14-15 SEER, and 91-95 efficiency. Some of the models included sound dampening and more of a heavy-duty housing. Also, there was a humidifier and electronic air cleaner, and 7 day programmable thermostat with humidity control.

Warranty was 10 years parts/1 year labor. Additonal 5 year labor, including 5 annual tune-ups was another $1300 (not included in the price).

I feel that this is a lot of money for this equipment? Am I wrong? Also, is Carrier/Kenmore a respected brand? My old house had Rheem and I was pleased. The Sears Salesman said Rheem was a cheap contractor grade unit....Please advise!|||Most of my air conditioning equipment at my work is Rheem, at least the stuff on the ground is.

Rheem has one major redeeming quality that sets it apart - it's designed to be worked on. Most outdoor units you see have the compressor in the center, right in the middle of the condenser coil. That's nice for a compact footprint but it's a big PITA when you need to repair something - gotta reach over the coil, which itself is pretty fragile. Rheem puts it to the side so you can do everything on the level, very convenient.

That price sounds a little strong, but I reckon it includes installation, which isn't small potatoes. But call a few more contractors. Get more prices. Estimates are free, you know. The more info you have, the better armed you are against a hard sell, and the Sears guy knows that a lot of folks that come to Sears for that kind of service really don't want to think about it - they just want it done and will take the hit in the wallet to not have to learn anything.

10 years warranty is good. 1 year labor is typical. Additional warranty isn't really worth it, do some annual maintenance (coil cleaning, for instance) and keep the filters changed and it'll go past 10 years easily.

Check with your local utility, they may have recommendations and/or a financing plan that makes it a little less painful to get a new AC system. Shop around and look for the Energy Star rating, and try for the tax rebate (is that still going? I don't know) to take a little bite off.

Variable speed fan is good, two speed compressor is good. That makes your system more effective at off-peak times, and may cut your utility bill.

IMHO you're seeing a bid that's a little on the high side. Shop around. Rheem is a perfectly good brand, some of the units I have in service are over 15 years old and going strong. Trane is good, Carrier is good, Lennox is good.

Stay away from Goodman and Janitrol.

That's it. Good luck with it.|||I'd go with Rheem|||A salesman is not above putting down another model to make a sale. There is nothing wrong with Rheem, Carrier, York, etc. I would get another contractor or 2 to get different estimates. A 10 Warranty is fine - if something were to go wrong it would usually be in the first year or 2. An additional warranty may not be necessary and, unless you have allergy problems, an electronic air cleaner is not worth it but a humidifier is necessary. If you can get a higher SEER that would be better, the 91-95 efficiency is good even though that also could be improved a bit. I am guessing you have gas heat though you did not mention it. Most gas companies also have a service contract that includes the annual tune-ups at a much lower cost. Look into that as well.