Wednesday, November 30, 2011

British Gas Boiler - How to work the programmer?

Hi, I've moved into a place which has a gas boiler, which has a small electronic programming unit to control the system. I can't for the life of me figure out how to program it sucessfully!

Its a small panel about 5x5cm with an LCD screen, a little red slider switch with a clock symbol, Cl, Auto and Timer settings.

There seem to be seven selectable times, but each time I think i've set it to come on at the right time, it comes on anyway as soon as i set it!

There's an On/Off Button which sets the state of the program, +/- buttons to change the times, enter button and a reset button.

Does anyone have any idea how to make this work for setting times of the day I want the boiler to come on and off?|||It isn't a British Gas boiler or programmer, they are a badged model specifically badged up for British gas, that way, when people inherit them, as you have, you are under the impression that you need BG to fix it. Push slider to timer settings, press enter until what you want is displayed, alter the setting and enter again every time you make a change, if it is a very modern roomstat, you may find that you set the temp and the time, they don't have on and off, just start times, so on at 6am till 9 becomes 6am temperature to be 22, then at 9am the temp to be 13, this way the 9am setting won't start the boiler unless the temp falls below 13. If you can see how it comes off the wall to look at the back, that will tell you what it really is, I you look under the boiler control panel (or inside the cover), you will also find out what the boiler really is, if it is a worcester bosch boiler with a programmer I can help you further if I which it is.|||Yes British Gas Don't make Boiler or programmers, I don't think they make anything, Its just another brand with British gas logo on. (often a cheep brand)

Take a picture and take it into a plumbers merchant whom will tell you the 'real' make E.G Honeywell

And then download the instructions from the Internet.

1 comment:

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